There are several things about tobacco smoking which smokers generally don't know ?
Which are they ? And how knowing them would help you quit smoking.
Dr. Aishwarya More talks about the impact of nicotine on brain, forming an addictive habit and effects of smoke on the lungs and heart. Lung damage starts early in smokers and it takes longer than normal for the lungs to heal. She further states that, where you stand on your quitting journey right now is not important, what is important is that you have decided to quit ! Believe that you can and you will.
Nothing is impossible.
There are amazing benefits of quitting-
1. Quitting repairs the damage caused till now to your body due to your habits.
2. It has positive social and financial implications.
3. Quitting can prevent you from heart diseases , hypertension, hardening of arteries which can lead to stroke , brain haemorrhage, lung diseases, lung cancer , COPD, etc.
4. It can lead to oral diseases as well , oral precancerous lesions etc.
Smokers have a typical smell from their mouth , skin and clothes etc .
Halitosis occurs very commonly in smokers. There is deposition of Tartar on buccal and lingual surfaces of dentition. There can be delay in healing of sockets after extraction, dry socket , etc.
People chewing smokeless tobacco tend to get leukoplakia and OSMF , which is oral submucous Fibrosis, where there is limited opening of mouth and severe burning sensation in the oral cavity.
5. Any level of smoking affects Pregnant Women and the brain of the newborn. Smoking is very harmful to your newborn baby in many ways. It can cause developmental defects, birth defects and defects in the organs of the baby like heart & problems in hearing and vision. It can also lead to some behavioral disorders. SIDS i.e Sudden Infant Death Syndrome can occur in women who smoke during pregnancy. Such women are 12 times at more risk to SIDS. It is sudden death in children below 1 year.
One single cigarette contains 4000 chemicals and these chemicals can enter the blood stream of the mother and thus enters the placenta of the baby, causing the levels of oxygen to reduce. This can further lead to higher chances of miscarriage and premature delivery. It can also lead to ectopic pregnancy, less birth weight of the babies and various other complications.
See, there is no safe level for Smoking.. so quit smoking, Give up Tobacco now your own life as well as of those around you..!
6. The main concern while quitting tobacco smoking / chewing is the constant craving.
You have the craving and it's so strong that you are unable to control it .
Falling prey to the need/ craving fails our attempt to quit .
For this one has to be highly motivated .
One has to work on his/ her will power.
One can save his health and lots of money which is regularly spent on buying tobacco.
One has to work on psychological aspects, so as to when and how this habit started?
Go into the roots of it..!
Discus with your doctor.
Be frank and friendly enough to discuss everything in detail.
So that your doctor can do counseling on a regular basis.
Whenever u get the craving , think about all the side effects.
Think about all the people in your family who will be more than happy for you when you ultimately quit !
Remember, our mind is a very powerful tool.
7. Dr. More , further states that , " I had recently been to a rural place in Maharashtra, where, during a wedding dance function, one fellow calls his son , giving him a few rupee notes , asking him to get a packet of gutkha. The son ran and got it within no time . Later the son, too, was seen chewing smokeless tobacco in secret , hiding along with his other friends. " Parents have to be extra vigilant as children always watch them as role models , kids easily tend to imitate the actions of their parents. Even if ther don't , then passive smoking anyways has an impact on other family members in smokers .
8. Smoking causes decrease in elasticity of the skin , as there is a drastic decrease in collagen levels of the skin. Our skin appears to have aged. In such cases anti aging creams and solutions would be of no use. Wrinkles , pre-mature aging would definitely affect your beauty and youthfulness.
In Smokers, lips usually get darker over the period of time , than before, and would be an easy guess for others even if they hide.